Your voice only counts if you vote .

Don’t know where your elections office is? Click here.

Voter Registration & Voter Status Information


You can check your voter registration status at – all you need is your name and date of birth.  After you’ve voted you can use this same page to see if your ballot has been received. When you check your status, be sure to check if you are ACTIVE or an INACTIVE voter, and update your status to ACTIVE if needed. This is important because only ACTIVE voters will be mailed a ballot.

In Montana, voters are able to register up to and including on Election Day. But still, you better check your registration now.

You can register in-person, at the county election office, or get a voter registration application online. If you aren’t registered yet or need to update your registration, Montana non-profit organizations have designed an easy to use voter registration portal that will walk you through all the steps to get your registration updated.

If you have any questions about voting, call or text (406) 272-4046 or (844) 406-VOTE.

It all begins and ends with you. Did you register? There’s a giant button up there to help you.

Click. It.


Fine. Here it is again.