When I launched my campaign I knew that it was going to be an uphill battle because this part of the state includes areas where gay men, like me, left as soon as they could because of the social climate we faced. Getting back to our homes and our roots make some people uncomfortable and I knew clearly that facing the people we abandoned would be difficult. Turns out, it wasn’t. In criss-crossing the district I’ve met thousands of people who have the same experiences I do: we need to pay for housing, food, utilities, and the rest of our bills. We need to build our social circles and find our place. And we need to build and expand our community. And every place I’ve been, from Livingston to Lewistown to Havre to Sidney to Billings, Great Falls and the rest and back to my home in Helena, what I’ve found is we’re all Montanans, and I’ve had the great honor of meeting so many in their homes and businesses and hangouts across this state. It’s been marvelous. And we, together, did the thing that right now has captured the national debate, we put up four very different candidates so that the voters would have a choice on what they want to see next and how they think we can best represent all of Montana. And while I’m not that choice, I’m happy to have been a part of it and wish John well on his campaign to win the general in the fall.
Thank you Montana. It’s been an honor.